Shin ya halatta yin salla a Jirgin Sama
هل يجوز الصلاة في الطائرة وفقا للمذهب المالكي؟
Me hukunchin wanda ya rubuta saki a takarda ya baiwa matarsa bayan kuma matan bata iya karatu,bata san ma me aka rubuta ba,shin sakinnan za a irgashi?
Me hukunchin wanda yayi kisa kuma ya tuba kafin mutuwa?
What is the ruling on a person who kills somebody and repented before dying, while, Allah has sentenced him to hell and he is very angry at him and cursed him. Despite of these, he has also prepared for him a heavy punishment?
Shin ya halatta musulumi ya saurari ko ya karanta al-quraani a waje mara tsabta?
What is the ruling on reading the Qur’an in mind from toilet, and what is the ruling on listening to the Qur’an in this state, does this state include in the meaning of Qur’an verse “and if the Qur’an is read, listen to it and pay good attention to it, so that you may have mercy”?
Menen banbanchin qaddara da kasanchewa?
What is the truth of the تكوين (composition), and the difference between it and the قدرة (capacity)?
Shin ana shiga aljanna da aiki ko Rahman Allah?
أرجو من مولانا أن يبيّن لنا فرق بين قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم ’’ كلّكم لن تدخلون الجنّة إلاّ أن يتغمّدكم الله برحمته‘‘ وبين قوله تعالى’’ أُدخلوا الجنّة بما كنتم تعملون‘‘ هل دخول الجنّة بالآية أم بالحديث؟