The views of the ‘Shias’ on the issue of the verses of الصفات
You spoke about views of the three doctrines and schools of thought on the issue of the verses of الصفات ,except that you did not touch on the views of the ‘Shias’, and do the ‘Shias’ have a single opinion or do they agree with one of these three groups, and what you have to explain us about it?
Ibrahim Saleh Al-Husseini: We do not have a problem with the ’Shiites’ as they are a branch of the Islamic community. We know that the Shiites are divided into three sections as they know it best: The first part: are Shiites of Sayyid Ali® from the Companions such as Ammar bin Yasser and Abdullah bin Masoud And Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari and Imran bin Al-Hussein and others who accompanied Sayyid Ali, these Shiites are Sunni Shiites. Second one of Shiites are moderate Shiites, they are all who preferred Sayyid Ali bin Ali Talib® but did not insult Abu Bakr®, Umar® and didn’t insulted the Companions. This is the moderate Shiite. They are found, for example, in the ‘Ja`fari’, or in the ‘Imami Shiites’, or in the ‘Zaydiyya’, did you understand?
Third sector of Shiites are those who transcended the borders of course, they exceeded the limits such as its present in every society. Every group has three stages, two txtremists in both sides and the moderate one among the both side. Shiites are also like others in this matter.
As for the belief, there is no doubt that the Shiites have beliefs that differ from the beliefs of the Sunnis, and we will come up with wide statement, but is it permissible for us to adopt a war or sedition between us and the Shiites, this isn’t a time suite to it. Because, we aim to adjust the doctrines, and it’s why we should avoid mentioning the names so that the dispute is not personal. We present the truth upon accurate evidence and logical, rational proofs, which will be accepted by the beloved and the hateful. When we did not mention the Shiites, it is because the Shiite doctrine of beliefs was not widespread in these countries and the Shiites now their great concern is to get no any re-approchement with the Sunnis. We Muslims must converge Shiites and Sunnis on a table, which is the Book of God and the Sunnah of the Messenger of God (PBUH).