Is entering paradise by mercy of Allah or best practices of people?

admin September 07, 2020

I request you to explain us a difference between Prophets’ Quote “Any of you will not enter Paradise unless God bless you with His mercy” and the Almighty’s revelation “Enter Heaven by what you did.” Is entering Paradise by means of this verse or by Hadith?


Ibrahim Saleh Al-Husseini: Yes, the prophetic (PBUH) word is that none of you enters Heaven by his deeds. Then companions asked: 'Neither you, O Messenger of God,' he replied 'neither me if the God doesn’t bless me with His mercy’. Then the Almighty’s revelation ‘Enter the paradise with your deeds’ means that Almighty God give permit heaven for the believers by the work that they did which can’t be done without His mercy, so they did not enter Heaven except with His mercy. So, the interpretation between Hadith and the verse is that the verse indicates the outer part of the matter while Hadith the inner part of the matter. So reality is that, a man’s fasting, prayer and worship all are depended on the mercy of God with him and his bounty, for he did not become a good man except with the mercy of God and the generosity of God, he did not do that with his own power and strength. That is why he taught us if you start something, start it in the name of God, and if you begun it, say ‘there is no power or strength except with God’.  “God created you and what you do.” From here, you and your work are for God, as the Messenger(PBUH) , said to a man, “You and your wealth is to your father’’. Did you get me?

So the interpretation of the Hadith and the verse is: In the beginning and the end, the Hadith noticed the end of the matter or the fate of the matter, and the reality of the matter is that anyone works, does not work except with His mercy. Then, the permission to enter the paradise is with God's mercy and bounty, is not it? And we all know that Heaven is His Bounty and Hell is His justness, and entering Heaven is not dependent upon work, just as entering Hellfire is not due to deeds, but these matters were determined and fulfilled before he created the heavens and the earth, but works are signs, it’s why He said in the Chapter AL-LLAYL “Yet he who gives to others and has fear, and affirms goodness, we shall ease the way of fortune for him. But he who does not give and is unconcerned, and rejects goodness, for him we shall ease the way of adversity”. This means that God Almighty has set up witnesses against you from your body parts and from your activities.  These are your witnesses as a Believer by which all will treat you as a believer. Did you get me?

But if the believer does not pray, not offer fasts and zakat, from where do the believers know his faith? The apparent activities are evidences and at the same time are good news for the believer acknowledges that if you move through the path of righteousness then you are from the righteous, and if you are walking in the path of sins, then you are one amongst the people of evil.

admin September 07, 2020