DISCLAIMER: Sheikh Shariff Ibrahim Saleh has not officially or unofficially made his position on Kano State Government and Mallam Abduljabbar

February 07, 2021 admin General news News
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Audio that is trending on Whatsapp groups claiming that the audio voice is of Maulana Sheikh Shariff Ibrahim Saleh Alhussaini’, speaking about Kano’s state government’s sanction against Mallam Abduljabbar.

Neither the voice nor the content of the audio is Maulana’s, and the message passed does not reflect Maulana’s opinion, if any, on the matter.
Kindly disregard the audio, for Maulana has not officially or unofficially made his position on any of the avoidable rifts known on any means of communication, let alone on any of the social media platforms.
    I'm very interested

  • Salisu Abdullahi Avatar
    Salisu Abdullahi - 3 years ago
    Másha Allah

  • Abubakar Muhammad Al-amin Avatar
    Abubakar Muhammad Al-amin - 2 years ago
    Masha Allah

  • Abubakar Muhammad Al-amin Avatar
    Abubakar Muhammad Al-amin - 2 years ago
    The great leader which lead through what is Qur'an said and what the prophet has told

  • Hassan Abubakar Annur Avatar
    Hassan Abubakar Annur - 2 years ago
    ذكاء العباس في مجلس عمر رضي الله عنهم في يوم الصحابه كانوا متجمعين مع سيدنا عُمر .. وكان قبل صلاة العصر والُكل متوضي .. فجأه .. واحد من اللي قاعدين اخرج من جسمه " ريح " فسيدنا عُمر غضب ! وقال من فعل ذلك فليقم وليتوضأ ! سيدنا العباس عم النبي كان قاعد .. وكان عارف ان اللي عمل كدا محطوط في موقف مُحرج .. فحس بيه .. وقال : بل نقم جميعًا نتوضأ يا امير المؤمنين .. ابتسم سيدنا عمر وقال نعم فلنتوضأ جميعًا ..

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